Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Taco Bell, We Thank You

Catch any of the latest Taco Bell ads? Over the past few weeks viewers have been treated to a series of perverts stalking poor Denise for an 89 cent taco "hookup". I'm a firm believer that no heated food should be sold for less than a dollar. Unfortunately, Taco Bell does not share my sentiments. I'm guessing the only thing these chaps will be hooked up with is a bad case of diarrhea. But does Taco Bell stop there with it's insane advertising campaign? Oh no! Next we get to follow Mr. Shrimp Blogger. Really? You can devote an entire blog analyzing a prawn? This globetrotter recently threw down his net when informed of the succulent shrimp offered at Tacko Bell (another annoying thing, it's Taco, not Tacko). I could have gone my entire life without hearing the words "succulent" and "Taco Bell" in the same sentence, and been very happy.

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