What is it?
Great coffee...that's what it is. I'm just a teeny bit addicted to coffee. My opinions on java even approach snob territory, When I want a good K-Cup I order here. When I feel like getting good coffee in Houston, I visit here. But when I desire fresh, whole-bean coffee from a distant roaster, I usually go to Camano Island Coffee Roasters. My brother-in-law Scott recommended Camano a few years back, and I've been ordering ever since.
Why it’s so great?
Listen, I wish I was smart enough to tell you why it's so great. I'm not. But if I must placate you...it's full-bodied with deep aromatic hints of cherried chocolate notes. Actually, it's just great coffee. They get their beans from all the standard growing countries and do a top-notch job with the roasting process. Camano's coffee is shade grown, organic, and fairly traded.
Where can I buy some?
Go to the web site. I became part of The Coffee Lovers Club. It's very flexible and affordable.
What’s the price?
Camano's coffee is very reasonable, especially for high quality roasted coffee. Most of the coffees run in the $11-$13 a pound range. I'm part of The Coffee Lovers Club. It's very flexible and affordable...three pounds of coffee for around $33 (free shipping).
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