What is it?
According to McCann’s, steel cut oats are the result of removing the outer husk from the oat kernel and cutting it into pieces (unlike traditional oats which are steamed and rolled). McCann’s produces regular steel cut oatmeal and this “Quick & Easy” oatmeal.
Why it’s so great?
Due to high fiber content, oats have all kinds of great health benefits…Yeah, yeah…health benefits, but does it taste good? YES! My mom turned me on to steel cut oats awhile ago and although I preferred the taste and texture, I couldn’t justify spending 25-30 minutes making oatmeal! Then, my mother-in-law introduced me to the best of both worlds. McCann’s Quick & Easy has the heartier, less slimy texture of steel cut oats in 5 minutes! Do I sound like an infomercial yet? Top with a handful of walnuts, a sprinkle of brown sugar and a drizzle of maple syrup and you’ll be in breakfast heaven. Also delicious with dried or fresh fruit.
Where can I buy some?
I was able to buy this locally once (Kroger), but have not found it since. Can be ordered online through several websites, including http://www.amazon.com/
What’s the price?
Grocery store - $6.99 for a 24 oz can; Amazon.com - $25.33 (and free shipping) for 6 cans
1 comment:
If you soak steel-cut oatmeal overnight with a tablespoon of whey from plain yogurt, you can cook it in 5 minutes the next morning. The whey keeps it from going sour and makes it more digestible. We soak a couple of cups of oatmeal and 2 T.of whey on Sunday night and keep it in the frig the rest of the week to eat for breakfast.
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