As someone who has always been fairly athletic, I’m used to the idea of practice and training. You practice to get better, you repeat the processes so that they become second nature. And the old adage really is true – practice makes perfect (or at least better). The same holds true in my quest to lose weight and get in shape.
“Practicing” smart eating habits will help me make decisions without having to think about whether they are the right decisions. To me, practice is the physical aspect of growth or transformation, while training is the mental part. We have to train our brains to make the decision to practice healthy habits by doing them repetitively. Have I lost you yet? ‘Cause I’ve almost lost myself…but bear with me.
The thing I really need to focus on is the training. Staying strong mentally, forcing myself to be accountable (through this blog) and persevering when I want to give up are the challenges I’ve been facing.
Those of you who have kept up with this column know what my philosophy is – balance and moderation. Sometimes it’s easier said than done. This week has been a definite challenge. I had wings and fries on Monday night – smaller portions, yes, but still not the smartest choice. I also had lunch at a Chinese buffet this week. However, I tried to stay away from the fried things and focused on eating some soup before hand and tried to work in more vegetables. All in all, it’s only 2 meals out of 12 so far this week, but I have to train myself to be better at blocking those urges.
Basically, I have to remember to put my philosophy into action. I can continue to eat many of the things I enjoy most, but in moderation. Make smart choices and balance the bad with the good (exercise) – that’s my mantra. Now I have to live it.
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