Every Saturday I'll try out a new recipe...you'll see the good and the bad of it. With all the bbq-ing that goes on this time of year, I decided to try out a new potato salad recipe. This is always a challenge in my family. Sara is allergic to mayonnaise.
Red Potato Salad
Description: This recipe is basically a deconstructed baked potato...which is not a bad thing. Like most potato salad recipes, this too contained mayonnaise. But after reading over the other ingredients, I just nixed the mayo and doubled the sour cream. Worked out very well, and even saved a few calories. That may be a first on this blog!
Recipe Difficulty (Scale of 1-10): 3
Like most of my recipes, this one is very easy. The hardest thing was frying bacon, and that's not difficult. By the way, I would make this with at least three strips of bacon (not one). D*mn, those calories I just saved you are back in the picture.
How it turned out: Good
I enjoyed this recipe, although I must admit...when it comes to potato salad, I am more of a traditionalist. Translation...I need some mustard! Everyone seemed to enjoy it. What's not to like about potatoes, bacon, cheese and sour cream?
Would I make again: Yes
It wouldn't be tops on my potato salad list, but given the constraints in my household, I will definitely make it again. Doesn't hurt that it makes for a pretty good presentation (at least by potato salad standards).
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